



首先,贝叶斯推理将用于更新不确定性随着新数据的收集。这种方法将与优化实验设计(OED)的原则相结合,以确定下一个要收集的数据记录,可以导致最大的不确定性降低,以香农信息增益来衡量。其次,该项目将研究mfa中的网络结构不确定性,提出一组候选网络结构,然后选择贝叶斯模型,以确定最合适的结构。OED还将用于规划数据采集,以揭示最佳的网络结构。第三,所开发的技术将用于生成历史年份的MFA,并使用误差传播来计算使用库存水平和回收率,从而创建与时间相关的动态MFA。这些贡献将通过开源代码获得,并通过研究美国钢铁流动和全球聚合物流动来证明。这项工作将导致从专家那里引出MFA变量的概率分布的指南,使该领域远离概率分布的任意分配。通过使用OED原则进行有针对性的数据收集,可以降低提高MFA置信度的成本。此外,网络结构的不确定性(即在MFA中两个节点之间存在或不存在节点或流)是普遍存在的,可以严重破坏协调的流预测的可靠性,但尚未得到严格的研究。本研究将通beplayer官网入口过专家建议和随机网络结构生成形成网络结构候选集合来调查网络结构的不确定性。 OED will also be developed to plan data acquisition that reveals the best MFA network structure while minimizing data collection costs. Through this work, new computational algorithms will be created, for example, an efficient categorical stochastic optimization procedure that incorporates domain knowledge about the MFA network structures, and an information-theoretic OED criterion for model-selection entailing a triple-nested Monte Carlo estimator. This research aims to enable companies, universities, and governments to use an inexpensive but statistically rigorous analysis of physical flows to inform policy, practice, and investment decisions that will increase resource efficiency. Reduced MFA costs and uncertainties will open the door to more powerful forecasting. For example, detailed annual MFAs across time can reveal the dynamics between industries (e.g., steel, aluminum, and cement nexuses) and policies (e.g., tariffs) that are needed for more reliable integrated assessment models. To promote impact, methods and findings will be presented at the Conference of the International Society of Industrial Ecology, produced codes and datasets will be deposited in the Industrial Ecology GitHub repository, and learning tools (e.g., on static and dynamic MFAs) posted to the online learning C-SED website. The project will build a sustained, cross-unit and multi-university Midwest collaboration infrastructure focusing on the topic of data science for sustainability decisions. An outreach program at Ypsilanti STEMM Middle College will integrate key lessons on sustainable materials with FIRST Robotics design principles, helping to empower URM students with the skills to pursue sustainable engineering careers.
